The American Academy as an International certification body comprises of American Academy of Project Management (AAPM), the GAFM Global Academy of Finance and Management ® Standards & Accreditation Council- the International Board of Standards IBS and the American Academy of Financial Management (AAFM).
The AAPM ® is the first certification body in the world to earn ISO 21001 Certification for Educational Bodies and the first Project Management body to have a direct legal articulation on standards with the ACBSP American Business School Accreditation Agency, The CHEA Council on Higher Education Quality Group, and the Arab League’s Arab Academy.
Furthermore, AAPM ® has several Primary global certifications available for its membership which are the: MPM ™ Master Project Manager, CIPM ™ Certified International Project Manager, PME ™ Project Manager E-Business, CPRM ™ Certified Project Risk Manager, MQM ™ Master of Quality Management or Master Quality Manager, CPE ™ Certified Planning Engineer, and CEC ™ Certified E-Commerce Consultant. The AAPM also offers several other specialist designations in: CEA ™ E-Marketing, CHRA ™ Human Resources, CPC ™ Process Consulting, and CSA ™ Service Analysis.
The AAFM Certification Body regulates the standards for credentialing and the accredited education criteria for qualified business programs and Finance that are a path to prestigious certifications such as: AFA Accredited Financial Analyst ®, AMA Accredited Management Accountant ®, AMC Accredited Management Consultant ®, ChE Chartered Economist ®, CIPM Certified International Project Manager ®. MFP Master Financial Planner ®, CRA Certified Risk Analyst ®, CTEP Chartered Trust and Estate Planner ®, CWM Chartered Wealth Manager ® USA, CWM CHARTERED CERTIFIED WEALTH MANAGER ® Europe. The International Board of Standards awards designations and board certification in the finance, accounting, and management consulting areas.
The GAFM was founded in 1996 by the original founders of the Graduate Leadership Society. The Founders of our Board are CEOs, Executives, Professors, and industry experts from around the globe. We desire to raise education standards and ethics in the business and management industries.
The establishment of American Academy Indonesia Chapter started when a number of Indonesian professionals passed the AAPM and AAFM certifications in 2014 with the aim to support and facilitate the execution of the CPE (Continuous Program Education) programs by certificate holders. The chapter was first in located on Jalan Menteng Raya Jakarta, the chapter is led by Dr. Fauzi Hasan, CWM. The chapter is currently located at the IPB (Institute Pertanian Bogor) complex in Bogor-West Java.
Since it was established in 2014 until now, the American Academy Indonesia Chapter has been Building cooperation with several universities, both public and private, as well as with human resource training institutions. The existence of the Indonesian Chapter has supported the standardization of qualifications and competence of Indonesian professionals in accordance with international standards and recognition. The chapter is actively supporting the local partners in developing and executing the certification programs, while at the same inductive recognition by the Ministry of Education ( Directorate General of Higher Education-DIKTI- Ministerial Decree No. 28121/A5/HK/2020 ) was achieved, and this is in line with the CHEA recognition (Council of Higher Education and Accreditation).
The Indonesia Chapter promotes qualifications standards and certifications advisory in the country by actively engaging with all the stake holders including the Government, Regulators, Educational Institutes, Training Providers, Financial Services Companies, Banks, etc.
The Indonesia Chapter mission is to serve its membership and stakeholders as a world leader in educating and reinforcing the Local and international knowledge of executives and potential leadership of professional-based institutions.
Mr. Prof. Dr. Fauzi Hasan, MBA.,MPM.,CWM.
President of American Academy Indonesia Chapter
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